"If we want children to flourish, to become truly empowered, then let us allow them to love the earth before we ask them to save it.” -David Sobel
Here at Nature's Kids Educational Child Care we offer a full four-day Pre-K Readiness Program. From Monday to Thursday your child will be introduced to many educational topics and experiences.
A big part of Nature's Kids, is Nature. We believe that your child should be outside and exploring the Natural World As much as possible. That is why we will very often take our learning outside. We believe that we have created a very healthy balance between the curriculum based style of learning and letting children have the freedom and availability to explore their natural world. The natural world has boundless opportunities for learning and exploring, to name just a few, earth science, biology, weather, and creativity.
We need to lay a foundation for healthy growth for every child, and in order to do that, we must first foster their imagination. A big part of fostering imagination is through play. The healthy, outdoor, running around and exploring their world kind of play.
A few examples of our 'nature' learning topics;
Fall: Bears, Hibernation, Migration
Winter: Evergreens, Foxes, Owls, Animal Homes
Spring: Seed Growth, Frogs, Robin's, Trees, Baby Animals, Weather, Mud & Soil, Worms
Summer: Ants, Grasshoppers, Flowers, Bee's, Ladybugs, Turtles
Circle Time
This is a time where all of the children are encouraged to sit together in a circle while we engage in our circle time activities.
The ‘Circle Time’ proceeds as follows;
We sing the song, ‘The More We Get Together,’ this helps the children to settle down and gets them ready for this part of their day.
We use our calendar to go over the days of the week.
We do a few action songs and songs related to the theme of the month. Thus instilling social and listening skills.
We play games that will enhance your child's gross motor and social skills.
The Teacher will present a lesson related to the theme of the month or an event or holiday.
We then have our story time.
And close our Circle Time session with a song.
Learning Theme
Each month we will pick a theme topic (or two!) and we will incorporate this theme into your child’s learning experience. For example lets take the topic ‘Space,’ for the entire month your child will learn in fun, creative and engaging ways what Space is all about. The room may be transformed into a Visual Learning Theatre with all the planets on display for your child to view. Toys that are related to Space will be brought out for your child to play with and explore. The water table may be turned into a green alien slime pool, or the sand table into the surface of the moon. Puzzles related to the theme will also be presented, as well as in their crafts and stories and countless other creative ways.
Remember, children learn best when they can touch, see and do. They learn even better if they can have fun while learning.
Fun Fridays!
So you may be wondering, "Well what do they do on Friday?" Our Fridays are called 'Fun Fridays!' This day is devoted to having fun, playing games, having a sharing time with show and tell instead of a circle time. We may go for a hike or to the beach or to Kangaroo Creek Farm. Whatever we do on Friday, it will be fun, and shouldn't childhood have great, fun memories?
We provide two healthy snacks for your child each and every day. These food items will include a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. We will also offer whole grain breads and crackers as well as greek yogurt and cheese.
We ask that the parent/guardian supply their child's lunch, as we recognize the diverification of every familiy's culture and food preferences.
However, we take nutrition very seriously here at Nature’s Kids Child Care’, as we know the powerful effects that food can have on young growing minds. That is why we ask parents to send healthy foods that are not processed and have no sugars or red food dyes added.
Ocean Days
Ocean Days